a death sentence
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"This book is a powerful reminder that life can change in an instant and your decisions have a compelling influence on the results and outcomes you experience." Christine Burns
As you progress through Igniting Resilience, you’ll discover a number of actionable steps that you can put in place immediately, to work through any adverse event.
Igniting Resilience is a mix of personal experience and evidence-based practice that will have you laughing, crying, feeling completely immersed in the tragedy and trauma, then being inspired to believe there’s always a way.
A chance to experience a robust optimistic mindset and belief that YOU too, can get through anything.
Christine is the Co-founder and CEO of WALT Institute, a global coaching, training and research company empowering people in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine (STEM) to step into their own Authentic Leadership truth.
As a former elite athlete, Christine brings her expertise of coaching and training to both individuals and teams. Typically, she works with professionals, researchers, clinicians and academics in Universities, Medical and Science Institutes, and business organisations.
Her clients include high achieving STEM professionals, international dancers, iconic sports teams and individuals, and many more. Christine is committed to working with anyone who is ready to take action and unleash their true Authentic self.
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